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Diamond is hardest substance is it true ?

 Friends, If I ask you to name the hardest substance in the world, The hardest material in the universe. You will think of Diamonds.  This answer is correct with regard to the earth, but not for the universe. Recently, scientists have discovered a material that is harder than diamonds. It is known as Lonsdaleite. It is found in meteorites.  When the meteors enter the earth's atmosphere they heat up Due to this friction of the air, the meteor's outer layer gets burnt, but the inner parts remain cool.  Diamond is hardest substance But when the meteors crash into the earth, so much pressure is exerted even to the very core, that it is much more than any natural process on earth. This pressure compresses the graphite into such crystalline structures that are harder than diamonds.  Loansdaleite is believed to be able to bear 58% more stress compared to diamonds. But this hasn't been physically tested by scientists yet, because this is such a rare material. Instead, a simulation

Skeleton Lake of India (Still a Mystery)

In Uttrakhand, about5000 meters above sea level, there is a lake of skeletons . Submerged in this lake, You find skeletons the identity of which is a mystery.  How did they die? Where did they come from? This lake was discovered in 1941 by a British forest ranger. There are several theories. A group of Japanese soldiers from World war two died because of the cold there. After investigating, the skeletons were found to be much older.  Skeleton Lake of India Another theory claims that it was a spot of ritual suicide. But these skeletons are spread throughout the lake. They aren't gathered in one place. In 2004, a team of European and Indian scientists, carbon dated these to find that they are from 850 AD.  Creaks were found on the back of some skulls, revealing that these people were hit from the back. Another theory emerged that there might have been a devastating hailstorm. People might have been hit by huge hails suffering fatal injuries.  But recently, another mysterious discover

Interesting Facts about Bhutan (Land full of trees)

Some unbelievable facts about Bhutan. Friends do you know that Bhutan is the only country with no traffic lights? People prefer to be guided by the traffic police at crossroads.  The design of the roads is not much complex to need traffic lights. Second, Bhutan is also known as the land of the thunder dragon. Because this country in the Himalayan region sees a lot of heavy thunderstorms.  Facts about Bhutan (Land full of trees) It is believed that the lightning of the thunderbolts is the fire of a dragon. this is why you will see a mythological Dragon on their National Flag. Bhutan was a monarch till 2006. For years, Bhutan had kept itself cut off from the rest of the world.  To an extent that till 1999, the country had no televisions. However, it doesn't mean that this country hasn't progressed. Today, it is the only carbon-negative country. 70% of the country is covered by trees.  It absorbs more carbon dioxide than it produces. A reason for this is the mandate in Bhutan'

Rolls Royce Most Expensive Cars in World but Why?

Rolls Royce is said to be the most expensive car brand in the world. The cheapest car costs Rs. 50 million. For this, you can buy 6 porches.  But why Rolls Royce cars are so expensive? The first reason is customization. While ordering a Rolls Royce, 44000 different color combinations you can choose, Second reason, is Rolls Royce cars aren't mass-produced. Once you place your order, They'll start manufacturing it.  Rolls Royce Most Expensive Cars Other brands manufacture their cars beforehand. Third, the detailing in this car is hand-crafted. Fourth, the vehicle has 300 pounds of soundproofing in its covering to prevent sounds from coming in. There's special foam in the tires.  So that the noise of running on the road can be minimized. you can fully customize the interiors of the car. The material to be used, installing a whiskey cabinet, Hidden safes for jewelry, installing a fridge, everything can be done.  The car also has 1600 individual lights mounted in its roof to sim

Samudrayaan, India's Secret Underwater Mission, Described

 We all know about Chandrayan and Mangalyan but friends have you heard of Samudrayan?  India's deep ocean mission was recently announced. in this mission, India will send a team of experts to the depth of the ocean, 6000 meters below sea level. India's Secret Underwater Mission  For this, a self-propelled vehicle, a submarine will be developed. It'll be named Mastsya 6000. It's already designed. Once the scientists aboard the submarine will go deeper, for a hundred matter it'll feel as if they're in a washing machine. Because of the water turbulence.  A fun fact here, it is not easy to go so deep. The deeper you go underwater, the more the water pressure. At 500 Mater below sea level, the pressure becomes unbearable and we'll die. That's why the submarine's cabin has to be pressurized.  The total cost of this mission the budget allocated is Rs. 4077 crores over the five years. If this mission is successful, India will become a part of the group of co

How The World Would END

 Friends, have you ever wondered how will our world end?   If famous physician Stephen hawking is to be believed. He made some weird predictions about the future. He said that he was worried that someday AI ( Artificial intelligence ) will completely replace humans.  A form of life will evolve that would outperform humans. the worst thing for humanity. he also warned about climate change.  How The World Would END  Soon global warming would reach a point of no reversal. But if artificial intelligence climate change cannot end the world, then according to Stephen Hawking "in the next 1000 years we will definitely witness some nuclear confrontation or an environmental catastrophe ". He also said that if humans want to avoid extinction, over the next 100 years, we would need to colonize some other planet. But don't you worry about this because companies like Elon Musk's SpaceX , are already planning missions to mars.