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Simple Step by Step Hairstyles to do yourself

Hairstyles and Haircuts Whenever we see someone the first thing we notice is face and hair.

Hairstyles and Haircuts play a key role in your overall look. Because a person who is good looking has more chances and opportunities in life. These days so many haircuts are fellow by women. If you ask me, I am crazy to fellow new hairstyles. My favorite celebrity is Taylor Swift.
She always comes with some amazing haircuts.

People love her because of her songs but I love her because of her haircuts.  Now I tell you about styles which are trendy these days. First Bob, mostly for those who have short hair easily wear it. But if you have long hair or medium hair then don,t worry a lot if fishes are still in the pool. Bun or try any kind of wavy style.

Hair Color Ideas 2019 – Way To Illustrate Your Beauty

How to choose a hair color ideas that actually suits you. It is a big question, it’s one of those questions that have been on the wish list for a while now. So today let’s talk about that. Are there colors batter for this or that skin tone? Are they no go’s anyone.

Hair Color Ideas 2019

What about if I have pale skin, olive skin, deep, dark skin? What about fashion hair color ideas? Fantasy colors like blue, green, silver? All of those questions right here, right now. First of all, we shouldn’t actually be talking about skin tones.

Any skin tone can wear any hair color ideas. That might sound new for some of you who think oh, I have this and this skin. I can’t do those hair color ideas. It’s not actually true. Any skin tone can do anything from blonde to black, red, drown, whatever you want.

What matters is not the skin tone. It’s the undertone which is important for hair color ideas. Your undertone is either coll or warm and hair color ideas should match that. So cool with cool, warn with warm. If you’re cool and you pick a hair color that is warm.

You’ll feel that something is off and you look pale or washed out. Like for clothes that have the wrong color for you. The other way around, If you’re warm and you have a color that’s cool, IT’s not working. Let’s look at examples to make that clearer. Let’s say you want to go blonde.


How to differentiate a cool blonde form warm one. Gwen Stefani cool. Jessica Alba is warm. She’s even very warm. That’s an extreme example, But it makes it easy to compare. can you see how much yellow or golden Jessica Alba’s hair is? It matches her skin, which is also very golden.


Let’s a less obvious example with brown hair. Anne Hathaway is a cool skinned. Eva Longoria is warm skinned. The reflection in Eva’s hair, if you can see that’s is reddish. While Anne’s hair is simple brown, right? The reflection doesn’t give another color. The color is kept quiet by adding blue to it. It makes the hair look cool overall.


Now an example with black hair so that we go through all the cases. Angelina Jolie is cool. It’s black by almost looks blueish If you see the areas where the sun or the light reflecting. This black is a cool black.

Kim Kardashian is warm and the reflections in a black hair look red. can you see? So you have a cool black and warm black. That answers your question about black. Can everyone wear black? Yes but there also warm black and cool black.

Same for white, same for gray. If you do fashion drawing, then you’ll see fashion drawers, Illustrators in fashion, Have two ranges of grays. I have cool gray and warm gray because otherwise, it would bite with the skin tone of the person I’m designing for.


What about red hair? jessica Chastain has natural red hair and cool, almost pinkish skin tone. Her hair color is matched with her skin here. it’s soft and it’s more orange than red. It’s not her natural color, but it does look very natural and flattering on her.

People with red hair are usually rather cool toned, but then again what’s red, right? It can be more orange, It can be more fair red. If you are fire redhead and then you have cool skin then blemishes, or when you blush, it will be a lot more visible.

Not due to your skin that has an issue. It’s due to the hair. Funny because we always say mother nature does everything right. I don’t think it’s true here. You’re not necessarily born with a hair color that flatters your skin tone.

It’s weird, huh? What happens when you choose a hair color that’s wrong for you? It’s not easy to find such mistakes because all the famous and glamorous people out there have got great hair stylists. Of course, they do.


But here in one example, I found. Kim Kardashian on the left side she wearing a cool blonde. Too cool for her because she’s warm tone and she looks very pale. On the right side of the page, she’s wearing warm blonde. She looks healthier and a lot more natural.

What if you have a problem identifying your undertone? I’m going go way to general here, by just to give you a direction. If you are very pale and your veins are bluish and you feel that your tone gets pinkish when you blush.

Then chances are you’re cool. If you, re more tanned, also called brown skin, depending on the region of the world you live in. Then chances are you’ll be warm. And then ladies and gentlemen who are deeper darker skinned are potentially warm.


But again it depends. You still have to do the test because your skin tone alone doesn’t tell you the truth. For example, Naomi Campbell has a red undertone. It depends on what she’s wearing but sometimes you really see red coming out through her skin. She’s in fact cool. Michelle Obama has golden undertones. She looks more yellow, which makes her warmer than Naomi.


What about fantasy colors now? Fantasy colors are colors that don,t look like they could be a possible natural color. Like platinum, silver, rainbow colors. In general colors like platinum, silver also pastel rainbow colors. Will suit cool skin people better than warmer people.

On the other side peoples with warmer skin can support more intense rainbow colors a lot better. If a cool skin person wears bright intense green or blue, the skin is gonna look washed out. It’s not working.


Here is an example of pastel silver on the cool skin and on another side brighter color with warm skin. If you are going for a fantasy color keep in mind that your color probably won,t stay the way it is on day one. It’s gonna blend and react with your natural color.

It is going to turn into something different for sure. Platinum blonde trends to turn a bit yellow over time. And if you’re cool skinned then that’s really something you want to avoid. You’d have a warm color on cool skin.


If you go for a fantasy color do schedule regular refresh appointments, and use hair care products for colored hair so that you preserve your initial dyed color longer. Before you do a dramatic change to your hair. Check whether the future color is going to work with your wardrobe.

                               Way To Illustrate Your Beauty


I hope you found these examples useful. That now you know better than before how to look for a color and what to look at. This article is not meant to make you totally unsure about whether to dye your hair and what to look for.


If you go to a hair salon and talk to a professional. You know those catalogs with all the chips you can pick a color from? They will tell you what’s warm and what’s cool. Either with some number coding or with a letter.


So you don’t have to guess about the color you just need to know about your skin undertone. You talk to a professional the first time you dye your hair or before you do some dramatic change to your color, they are trained on this warm vs cool matter. So they can also advise and guide you on what you can or cannot do based on your skin.


Tips For Getting Long Lasting Hair Curls / Best hairstyle idea

It’s all about how to make Long Lasting Hair Curls all day, best product or hairspray you have to use after making these curls because of Long lasting hair curls something we all want.

Tips to Long Lasting Hair Curls
we’re now into the middle of the year which means the holiday season is in session. Due to the holiday, holiday festivities are in full effect. I honestly feel like time is flying a mile a minute. I would be lying if I said I’m not fereaking out.
So one of my all time favorite look of the holiday season is big beautiful bouncy Long Lasting Hair Curls. These curls remind me of winter and the holiday spirit. There,s just something so festive and traditional about them. I absolutely love Long Lasting Hair Curls.

Super Versatile Hairstyle
This hairstyle is also super versatile. It looks good on so many different people. You can be dressed up or down depending on your preference. So many of you have been asking me to give some tips and tricks on how to make your curls last longer.

You notice that they kind of fall apart pretty quickly after styling them. We’ve all been there spend so much time curling our hair getting big beautiful bouncy Long Lasting Hair Curls. Go out to a lovely party and before the night is even over. We noticed that out curls turn into flat sad waves.

Long Lasting Hair Curls Tutorial
Today’s tutorial I’m not only going to tell you how to create these beautiful big bouncy waves. But I’m also going to show you my tips and tricks. How to make Long Lasting Hair Curls all day. So if you guys want to know how I created my beautiful big long lasting curls please keep reading.

Alright, so I’ve already gonna ahead and sprayed my favorite Giovani heat protectant spray throughout my hair. Then I’m just brushing it out from bottom to top to evenly distribute the product and gently detangle my hair.

Use Hair Extensions and  t3 whirl trio curling wand set
I also clipped in my 240 gram set of fancy hair extensions in the color hazelnut dirty blonde prior to styling my hair. Next, you want to use the smallest curling barrel that you own. I am using this one-inch interchangeable barrel from my t3 whirl trio curling wand set.

Using a smaller curling barrel will help you create a tighter curl. Which will your curls keep their shape much longer? As I separate my hair I,m heating up my curling wand to about 290 degrees Fahrenheit.

Be careful While using a curling wand
You want to make sure that you use a temperature that’s hot enough to heat style your hair. But not so hot that it will damage your hair. If you damage your hair it won’t hold the curls as well. It will also look and feel super dry and damaged.

Make half-inch sections of hair for curling
So next one is to style one to one and a half-inch sections of hair around the barrel at a time. Keeping the size of the sections on the smaller side in terms of width allow the heat from the barrel to style all the hair. Make your curls last much longer.

So I’m going to doing is wrapping every section of hair around the barrel away from my face. Another tip that I wanna give you guys is that when you wrap the section around the barrel. Make sure that it is as flat as possible. This will create a perfect ribbon-like curl.

That will hold much longer. After I’ve held the section of hair around the curling barrel for about 10 to 15 seconds. Then dropping the curl into the palm of my hand. Clipping it up with an alligator clip. So what this is going to do is allow your curls to set and cool in this position.

So that when you remove the alligator clips your curls are going to be a lot tighter and a lot bouncier and lasts much longer. All you wanna do is repeat the technique all over your head.

The same direction of all curls
One more think curls all the sections in the same direction. Curling all sections in the same direction will also help your curls last longer because the curls will intertwine with one another in the same direction and help the neighboring curls keep the shape. It will also help create a more wearable uniform curl.

That looks beautiful on everyone whether your hair is short, medium or long. So I go ahead. After you’ve curled all of your hair and you’ve clipped everything away to cool and set. You wanna allow your hair to cool down for at least 10 to 15 minutes.

Releasing the curls while they’re still hot will cause them to take shape of their stretched out position when they cool down. We don’t want that so once your time is up to take your hair out of the clips and gently comb through the curls using your fingers.

Comb curls with the help of finger gently
Do not brush your curls this is very important because brushing out the curls will cause them to loosen up instead run your finger through the curls to break them up a bit. Blend them in with the neighboring curls. Alright once you take the curls out of the clips.

You’ll notice that they’re just a little bit too tight. But don’t you worried. Once you brush them out with your fingers gently. You’re going to lose them up a little bit and you’re going to get beautiful bouncy curls. After I brushed with my fingers all of my curls out.

Use shine spray instead of shine serum
What I usually do is use a shine spray. Make sure that you don’t spray it on your face. I love shine serums but in this case, a shine serum is going to weigh your hair down and loosen up the curls. Instead, use a lightweight shine spray.

Which one I have is Schwarzkopf I got this one at my local drugstore for under $10 and it works wonders. So the combination of all the tips and tricks that I write about in this post should allow you to achieve beautiful long lasting curls all throughout the evening.

But in case you want some extra insurance this is completely optional you can go in with lightweight hairspray and then not even a monsoon will be also to flatten out your curls. I really hope you love it and learn something new. Will no longer suffer from curls that fall apart before the end of the night is over.


Solution for Premature Gray Hair and Diet Plan to Get Longer Thicker Hair

If you have longer thicker hair you try your best to stay away from premature gray hair. Because of the beauty of man or women hide in the beauty of hair. Premature gray hair causes by two main factors first one is dited and another one is tension/stress. It is very difficult to adjust specifically in the west with prematurely gray hair because of the tendency to associate gray hair with age.

A solution for Premature Gray Hair and Diet Plan to Get Longer Thicker Hair
Knowing the cause of prematurely gray hair

The first step will know the cause why you are having this premature gray hair. There are a lot of things which can cause premature gray hair like a bad diet, lack of nutrients, stress, Using a lot of hair color, hereditary, etc. For me it was hereditary. So if it,s stress you can do something to de-stress. If it,s lack of nutrients you can improve your diet. You have to know the real cause of before treatment.

The right diet for hair

Eat right now doctor suggested me to eat a lot of things including dates and figs in the morning. Then I used to have paneer at least once a week. I don,t like to eat meat. So for me, paneer is the best source of protein. I also have Roasted Chickpea at least once in a week and one raw tomato. Remove all seeds of tomato before eat. That was my diet when I was actually undergoing the treatment.

Don,t Pluck White Hair

The third tip is don,t you ever think to pluck the white hair. I know a lot of people say that this is fiction. It doesn’t,t really matter if you pluck it or not but I have noticed this myself. Trust me I say this to my mom. Once accidentally pulled out one gray hair. Within like 3 or 4 weeks I could actually see two new hairs on the same part. So I don,t pluck my gray hair that was the last thing I did.

Drink water

Drink a lot of water at least 2 liters every day. Used copper glass to drink water. Lack of copper also leads to premature gray hair. It,s been more than five years I,m having water and only copper vessel if you want you can even get like a copper bottle to water in that and just have that water.

Use of shampoo

The fifth tip is to use a mild shampoo I used to use Richfield shampoo when I was undergoing the treatment but now but not anymore make sure you wash your hair at least twice a week. The doctor suggested me to wash thrice a week but I used to just you know to wash it every four days. And I still wash it every four days.

Stay away from chemicals

Six steps is to avoid hair gels and hair cream it has a lot of chemicals and you don,t want to put that on your hair so just avoid it completely.

Apply oil once a week

The seventh tip is to oil your hair every week there are a lot of good oils available out in the market now. Personally, I use coconut oil and Bhringraj oil both are the best oil for premature gray hair.

The last and final tip is something that has majorly turned the whole situation. I use vitamins which are called L-tyrosine from Richfeel. It,s available in rich feel and also on Amazon. Mostly I buy things from rich feel directly. SINCE I WAS THEIR CLIENT ONCE UPON A TIME.

I don,t pay for their counseling or anything any more. Now I have those vitamins every alternate day. There,s no like a proper schedule that I fellow. Yeah, I still have like 10 strands of gray hair.

Natural Hair Treatments For Hair Growth To Make Them Longer
It doesn’t bother me anymore because this is the way I am and I have accepted myself. Now I don,t color my hair or I don,t apply henna on my hair anymore. I still eat vitamins.  Honestly, I don,t mind eating thor all my life instead of coloring my hair every three months. Prefer eating vitamins every alternate day.

So if you are someone who just has like few gray strands here and there just follow a proper diet and see, if you can see any change if not then go and see your doctor.

I know I,m not a doctor but this has worked for me so I just thought I will just share some tips with you guys so if you are in the initial process you can actually reverse it. Hope you guys found this article helpful. I try my best to answer your questions.

Diet Plan
There are so many amazing whole foods that will help you grow longer thicker hair. They will also be beneficial for your overall health and well-being. I really want to share this food with you guys. So when I say whole food I,m talking about foods that come from nature.

They have not processed the food they are not man-made foods. I am sorry but that will be absolutely no mention of M&Ms skittles starbursts pringles or anything of that. Whole foods include fruits and vegetables and meat and poultry and fish.

All stuff comes from nature without anything made by man. I know that food can be a sensitive topic for a lot of people and to be completely honest with you guys this was one of the main reasons why I held off on writing this post such a long time.

I COMPLETELY understand that everyone has their own beliefs and values about what we should and should not eat. This post is not about that.

This is about whole food regardless of whether you, re vegan vegetarian pescetarian. It doesn’t matter. I am talking about whole food that is beneficial for your overall health well-being and of course, is going to help you grow longer thicker hair.

Foods that I will be talking about in this video are backed by science and will help you grow your longer hair. I also wanna throw in some foods that I personally have noticed made such a huge difference in overall health and thickness and growth of my hair. I hope they will help you too.


Fish is not only an amazing protein but it is full of omega-3 fatty acids which is an essential fatty acid that our body cannot produce on its own. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for growing longer thicker hair.

They also give our hair a beautiful shiny coat but make sure that the fish you eat is low in mercury. Consuming fish on a regular basis that has very high levels of mercury is very toxic and will cause your hair to fall out.

Not only can it cause hair loss but it comes with the bunch of different health problems as well. Make sure if you ever eat fish that it is wild caught and you stay away from fish that is higher up on the food chain.

Fish that tend to be safer our smaller fish that are lower down on the food chain such as anchovies sardines mackerel. Salmon and tuna also tend to be on the safer side as long as they, were wild caught.

As long as you follow these guidelines you should be safe to eat fish three times a week to help you get that beautiful glossy sheen and help your hair grow faster.


Sources are one of the highest natural sources of zinc. Zinc is essential for growing longer and thicker hair. They also pretty much 100 percent protein which your body needs to produce keratin. The stuff that your hair is made of. If you want to grow longer and thicker hair Sources can really help you.

Beef or Lamb

Beef and lamb are also amazing sources of zinc. If you are not into oysters. Obviously, they are amazing sources of high-quality protein. When it comes to beef make sure that it is lean beef. It,s antibiotic free, Hormone free and is grass-fed.

If you are worried about this and you are not sure. If you are getting the right kind of beef. I would say go with lamb. Lamb tends to be much safer side because lamb is a much more fragile animal. Lamb is injected with any type of antibiotics or hormones.

Buy Now: Click Here >>>>>> Beef or Lamb

They get sick and eventually die, unfortunately. So they always tend to be free of all these hormones antibiotics. Because they simply cannot handle it. Lambs are also very very picky ears they will not eat just anything that you give them.

They are strictly herbivores and will only eat grass. Guys if you are going to eat red meat once or twice a week I would definitely recommend going with lamb.

Greek Yogurt is one of my favorite food to eat. I eat it almost every single morning with stevia, some protein powder and some chopped fruit Greek yogurt is very high in protein and contains the vitamin B5. Vitamin B5 helps with blood flow to your scalp and stimulates hair growth. This same vitamin can also prevent hair loss and hair thinning.


This one may or may not surprise some of you but honestly, it has made such a big difference in my hair and I try to eat cucumbers every single day. So The reason why cucumbers are amazing for growing longer thicker hair is that.

They have a very high level of nutrient silica. Silica is not a nutrient that builds collagen in your skin and makes your skin look more plump and youthful but it also improves the overall elasticity of your hair.

It makes us stronger and less vulnerable to breakage. Because my hair is bleach, I,m sure many of you guys who have bleached hair know the struggle that every time you put a heat styling tool to your hair the ends get so dry so brittle and they’re a lot more vulnerable to breakage.

I used to get split ends and dead ends as soon as I put a heat selling to my hair and now I don,t have that problem anymore. Silica will make your hair strong from the inside out and will make it a lot more elasticized. If it stretched out it will not snap and break. Well, it might break but not as easily.

Your hair can grow a mile a minute but if your hair is constantly breaking at the ends. You’re not going to be able to notice a difference. That’s why silica I would say is one of the most important things in having in your diet if you’re trying to grow longer thicker hair.


I personally love spinach. Love it raw, sauteed, I can,t get enough of it and I can honestly say that I probably like it even more than Popeye the sailorman loves his spinach. Spinach is only high in zinc which I told you already is essential for growing longer thicker hair.

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But it is also a great source of vitamin A, Vitamin C, folate, and iron. These nutrients work together to promote a healthy scalp and healthier hair overall. They also keep your hair moisturized so it doesn’t,t break as much.


Kale is another wonderful option That has all the same benefits of spinach.

Vitamin C

Another very important nutrient needed to grow longer thicker hair is vitamin C and contrary to popular belief citrus fruits are not really the highest sources of vitamin C. Ball peppers but especially red bell peppers have the highest amount of vitamin C.

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It works together with the other nutrients to maximize their absorption and also protects your hair from breakage.

Lean chicken or turkey

Lean chicken or turkey are very high-quality sources of protein. Protein is needed to create keratin. Your hair is made up of mostly keratin. So as you can imagine eating enough protein and good high-quality protein is very important.

Buy Now: Click Here >>>>>> Chicken Breast Boneless

for growing longer thicker hair. If you don,t have enough protein in your diet what happens is you force your hair into resting phase and this stops hair growth and causes the older hairs to fall out resulting in overall hair thinning and hair loss.

I want to remind you guys to properly source your proteins to make sure that you’re not consuming any nasty antibiotics or chemicals. That does more harm to your body than good.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are full of the antioxidant beta-carotene. beta-carotene is converted by the body into vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential in preventing dry and dull hair. vitamin A also helps your scalp produce sebum which prevents your hair from drying out.


Just like sweet potatoes, Pumpkin is also a very good source of vitamin A. It has all the same benefits as eating sweet potatoes but the reason that I really really love it is that not only does the flesh have a lot of vitamin A.

But the actual pumpkin seeds are super high in zinc. Like I mentioned before how important zinc is. In case you guys are wondering the pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks is not a real pumpkin. It doesn’t count.


Buy Now: Click Here >>>>>> Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Powder

Cinnamon is my favorite spices. it is not only delicious on fruit or Greek yogurt but it is also essential in improving blood circulation. Blood circulation to your scalp especially. Increased blood circulation to your scalp also means an increase in nutrients and oxygen to your hair follicles which will stimulate overall hair growth.


I love seafood period but shrimps, in particular, are very funny looking sea creatures but they are very high in the B vitamin called biotin. Biotin is also another very essential nutrient for growing longer thicker hair and it is also great for strengthening and repairing brittle nails.

Buy Now: Click Here >>>>>> Fresh Jumbo Shrimp

If you have been trying to grow out your hair and do a little bit of research. I’m sure you would have seen some biotin supplements out on the market. Even though biotin is one of the essential nutrients that you need to grow longer thicker hair.

Biotin on its own is not really going to help you so much. biotin needs to work in conjunction with a few other vitamins and minerals in order to grow longer thicker hair.


Eggs are seriously mother nature’s perfect food. It has every single nutrient that your body needs to survive and thrive. What makes it especially amazing for growing longer thicker hair. Its high source of a really good quality protein that is easily utilized by the body.

it is also full of other essential vitamins and minerals as well as fatty acids and biotin. Like I mentioned before biotin is an essential nutrient in growing longer thicker hair. Eggs have amazing benefits for your hair whether you eat them or use them externally as a hair mask. Eggs prevent breakage and restore the natural oils to your scalp and make your hair shiny and healthy from the inside out.


Buy Now: Click Here >>>>>>  Fresh California Hass Avocados

Avocados are another whole food that is chock full of good for your hair ingredients and they can also be used internally as well as externally for growing longer thicker hair. This might fruit is full of essential fatty acid and has the ability to produce collagen and elastin making your hair stronger and less vulnerable to breakage.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds not only are they a good source of protein and fiber but they are also an amazing source of omega-3 fatty acids. for those of you who don,t eat fish or don,t like fish chia seeds are an amazing alternative.

One of my favorite things to do with chia seeds is to make my own chia seed pudding. It,s super easy all you need us two cups of unsweetened almond milk and half a cup of chia seeds so I mix these up and then put it into a mason jar leave it in my fridge overnight and in the morning.

Buy Now: Click Here >>>>>> Healthworks Chia Seeds

I have this beautiful thick chia seed pudding. I can add it into my Greek yogurt with some fresh fruit on top some stevia, vegan, protein powder and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

Now if that isn’t a hair growth cocktail. I don’t know what is. You eat that every day for a couple of months. You’ll be growing hair like a chia seed pet. Another option is to add some chia seeds to your smoothies in case chia seed pudding is not your jam.


Tomatoes are the highest vitamin C when they are raw. But if you cook them just a little bit low to medium heat. You’ll be able to retain most of the vitamin C. It can also release a chemical called lycopene.

Buy Now: Click Here >>>>>> VINE RIPENED TOMATOES

Lycopene is an antioxidant that is known to fight certain types of cancers. How can you not love tomatoes? I am sorry to say but processed sugar ketchup does not count as eating tomatoes.


Watercress is an amazing mighty herb that I discovered a little over a year ago. It has a bit of bitter taste but if you sprinkle it over salads or put it in an omelet it is so delicious. It is packed with different vitamins and minerals and it has more antioxidants and proteins than any other dark leafy green vegetable even more than spinach and kale.

Buy Now: Click Here >>>>>> Organic Watercress Seeds

Watercress is an amazing source of MSM (Methyl soulful Nile methane). MSM aids in the production of keratin and it also does double duty by strengthening your hair follicles so, therefore, reducing hair loss and promoting hair growth.


4 Hairstyles You Have To Wear This Year / Hair Trend

Your friendly hairstylist here. It’s my favorite time of the year. it’s festival season guys. I’m so excited to tell you about all my favorites of festival hairstyles. Either stuff that I’ve been brewing up in my own noggin. I’ve seen trending on Instagram and I am going to tell you about it.

Hairstyles Trend
Alright let’s start out with something kinda easy Hairstyles, shall we? So this one starts out with a dutch braid. That goes form the crown of your head to the nape of your neck. We’re gonna keep it tight and small. It’s gonna keep your hair in place all day much better. When you go to pick up hair, Just slide your finger and pick up the littlest bit hair and bring it in.

Do the same, once all the hair is in the braid. You can go ahead and secure it with an elastic. I’m trying to keep it a little edgier, so we’re keeping it tight. To finish this off. Doing a little bit of craft store goodness. have this druzy stone form a craft store. A little bit of clear elastic. I’m gonna create my own hair accessory. Measure out some clear elastic.

There are rings on either side of the stone. Just put the elastic through the rings. Then tie the elastic in a knot. Now you have very own druzy hair tie. I’m gonna use that around the base of my braid. Nice way to finish it off is just take a teasing comb.

Go through your ponytail. It just adds some more texture. Especially if you have fine hair, it gives it a little softening. That’s it, sweet and simple, but it definitely makes a statement. It will be very comfortable to wear all day long.

For our next hairstyle, we’re gonna focus on bobby pins. Because that is a trend I am loving and it can be easy to replicate. Starting with a middle part, then we’re gonna take a section on each side. I am gonna start on my right side.

Take a section from right next to your hairline to a couple inches back. You wanna get this nice and smooth. I have already added in some Kristin Ess shine control pomade.

You’re just gonna pin that in the back of your head. Now you have to do the same thing on the other side. In the back, we’re gonna wrap it across the bobby pin that we already placed and pin it in place again. We get to add in bobby pins all over the place.

I am using black bobby pins because that’d gonna show up the most on my hair. I’m gonna create Xs all along the line of the hair. Then throw in a couple of bobby pins that mixed up that kind of X formation that we have going on.

So it looks haphazard, but it’s kinda easy to put in a like a designed way. That,s the hairstyle it’s so easy, but I love the idea of just accessorizing with bobby pins. It really creates a new look on the hair without having to buy anything new.

First thing I have a very deep side part that I’m going to part off and clip out of the way. Now we’re just gonna Dutch braid this and make a little semi-circle around the ear. you wanna finish the braid right around here, in this bottom corner of the nape of your neck. Then you’re just gonna braid the rest normally all the way down.

Secure it with an elastic. Now you have this braid. You can either let it sit on the backside. Or you can bring some hair and the braid over your shoulder. It just depends on what you like. But the main feature is the safety pins. You can take safety pins in any size and color you want. Do any kind of pattern you want really.

But just stating the obvious, they’re sharp. So please don’t actually poke yourself. In the head or finger or anywhere else. Start out I think I’m just gonna do a couple like a parallel to each other. Take some bigger ones and create little Xs. This is really up to you though. You can put in as randomly as you want or as purposefully want. It will look good either way.

I’m liking the Xs so I’m gonna keep doing them through here. I remember the safety pin trend in the 90s so vividly. I don’t know if it was just like my small town to whatever, but for like the goth metal kids. Safety pins were a big deal. That,s our safety pin hairstyle.

Now on to the next hairstyle. This one was inspired both by the hair tapestry trend from a few years ago and the infinity braid trend that has been going pretty strong since last summer. I love this and I think you will too. The first thing we’re gonna do is take three sections and put them into clear hair elastics.

The first piece of hair is in the middle of your head. Then for the pieces on the sides. We’re gonna sweep back some hair from the front. Each of those sections gets one more elastic. So we’re creating the kind of like a tube of hair that we can wrap the thread around. Use a clip to hold all the other hair out of the way.

We are ready for a thread by using cream, pink and orange. You can use any colors that you want. I found that I like to use about 12 feet of thread at a time. That sounds insane but I’m gonna show you how to make it useful. I’m gonna fold this in half three times. So fold it in half the first time.

Then you fold that string in half again. Folding it in half one time. Which leaves it about 18 inches long. this is so much more manageable. Do the same thing for pink and the orange thread. So the final preparatory step is gonna be, to toe these threads together in the order that you want them to show up on the hair.

I want this cream color on top, so that’s my first thread. then I want pink, so I’m trying those together. After pink comes orange. So we’re going to tie those together. Now we’re ready to braid. Put the thread through a bobby pin. Bobby pins it on the side you want to start on. I’m gonna start on my left. Get into the braid.

So this braid is gonna go first over, second under, third over. Then flips and First under, second over, third under. Now just pull that nice and tight to get us started. keep doing the same. So you’re just gonna keep going until all the thread has been wrapped around the hair. To me, this feels like something that would be even easier on others. So if you have like a hair bestie. You could trade off doing each other’s hair. Everything is braided except for little tiny thread rubbing.

So I’m gonna take that around to the back of our little tapestry and then bobby pin that in place right there. Now we just have to fix thread on left and elastic on right. Take the bobby pin out and wrap the white thread behind our tapestry and pin it in place back there. Cut out these elastics. I love this hairstyle. It will make you feel awesome.

Our final hairstyle is the one I might be the most excited about. I had this idea last year and I didn’t do anything about it. So I’m finally able to do it this year. We’re gonna start off by making some half up half down space buns. So I’m just gonna make a little triangle here, so picking hair both sides and placed on the back side of my head. backcomb this hair and wrap them into buns on both sides. Sometimes I like to tie these in knots. Back in the day I always tied these in knots.

Now we’re gonna stick rhinestones on the part. So I’m using some little face gems. You can use whatever kind of sparkles you want for this. Take some gorilla snot. Put that on my part where I want the little gems to sit. I’m gonna get fancy and use tweezers to put these in place. I played around with a lot of different ways to do this. this one was far the easiest.

That’s it for our festival Hairstyles. I had so much fun putting this together and I wanna wear all of these Hairstyles every single day. I hope you found something new that you love.


5 Steps Long Healthy Hair Naturally / Hair Treatment

Long Healthy Hair Naturally, Finally doing my updated hair care routine I have been meaning to do Long Healthy Hair Naturally post long the very first post that I ever uploaded to my other site, was my five-step to healthy hair care routine and although I think that, information is still very relevant.

Now I am going to tell you how I care for my hair and I hope you enjoyed the post. My healthy hair secret weapon is my wooden brush. I am absolutely in love with this thing and I will never ever, ever be without it.

Long Healthy Hair Naturally
When you use a wooden brush it absorbs your hairs natural oils so when you brush your hair it distributes these oils evenly and conditions your hair and it also reduces static and breakage. It’s just the perfect tool if you’re trying to grow long healthy hair naturally.

I will never ever go back to using a plastic or a metal brush again and they also
massage pressure points on your head which is great stimulating circulation to the scalp. Promoting healthy hair growth it’s like every time I use this I’m getting a scalp massage.

I have three different wooden brushes I have two brand Eurotech a large oval brush and a small travel size brush. These are the highest quality brushes I’ve ever come across. They’re made in Germany with maple wood. I bought them brushes around four years ago.

Unfortunately, I cannot find these brushes anywhere I’ve looked at whole different markets and also search online and I just can’t seem to find these brushes anywhere and that makes me really sad because I want to recommend a brush that you guys can actually buy.

Super Fast Hair Growth Routine For Girls / Hair Treatment
So I’m gonna keep my eye out for these and hopefully, I can find a place where
you can get them. Recently I bought another wooden brush. It’s by the brand Tek it’s made in Italy and I really have been loving this. I like the size and shape. it’s just a really great brush so yeah you can look for this brush.

I find that there are really big quality differences in wooden brushes. Now I have been using a wooden brush for years and years. Actually, I used to buy this one from my local health food store. It’s one that you can find a lot of different places but every month it just completely break like the front part would rip out.

Keep in mind I have a lot of hair but I still felt like it wasn’t a well-made brush. I went through around six of those brushed before I found Eurotech brushes. I’ve had my Eurotech brush for around four years. It’s still going strong. looks completely brand new to me and all the bristles are still attached.

So yeah I try and look for a company that actually specializes in making wooden brushes. I find that the Europeans make the best wooden brushes.

Oiling your hair
oiling your hair is one of the best ways that you can condition your hair. It keeps your hair hydrated, soft and shiny. There are so many oils that you can use for your hair. Some of my personal favorites for long healthy hair naturally are

argan oil
coconut oil
jojoba oil
Avocado oil

Click here to buy online

Jojoba oil is really good if you have thin hair because it,s really light. There are so many different oils. You can use really use anything you want. Make sure that it’s unrefined, cold-pressed, preferably and organic. I also like to add some essential oils or some neem oil.

Rosemary essential oil is really good for stimulating circulation to the scalp. It makes her hair so so soft and it just really promotes healthy hair growth. I mix a few oils together and make my own hair conditioner. So there are two ways that I oil my hair.

I will either just coat my hair in the oil of my choice and then just leave it in my hair for a few hours or even overnight. In the morning I shampoo it out or else I will do gradual oiling. This is what I’ve been doing lately. I think it’s really perfect for the wintertime.

Basically, I just put a little bit of oil through my ends every single day. Just the smallest amount so my hair doesn’t look greasy and I just keep doing that every single day until I shower. So I feel like my hair is always being nourished by these oils.

Also when you’ve oiling your hair it’s the perfect time to give yourself a scalp massage. Scalp massage promotes healthy hair. It stimulates the circulation to your scalp. Also helps
you relax and relieve stress. Who doesn’t want a scalp massage I personally love scalp massages.

Shampoo, Conditioner & Hair Rinses
Now it’s time to talk about shampoo and conditioner to get long healthy hair naturally. You can read the label of your bottle of shampoo and it can make it sound like the most amazing spectacular shampoo. It’s gonna make your hair grow up healthy or it’s gonna make it shiny, soft, beautiful.

That’s mainly marketing they want you to buy the shampoo and conditioner. So you
know it’s pretty much lying. What you wanna be doing is looking at the back of the bottle and checking out the ingredient list.

I would look for something that doesn’t have things like sulfates, fragrances, salt. You know chemicals that are gonna strip your hair and aren’t good for your health. My favorite shampoo is by a brand called Calia. I’ve been using them for years and I’ll use them for the rest of my life.

I also use a shower filter so I could wash my hair in the best water possible. Tried to shampoo my hair every 4 to 6 days. Wash my body every day but I only shampoo and condition every 4 to 6 days. I found out that the longer you go without shampooing the more
your hair balances out.

Then you don’t have to shampoo as often if that makes any sense. Your hair oils kind of act
as conditioners sp it’s good not to be stripping them out of your hair every single day. Another thing I highly recommended doing hair rinses. I have two hair rinses that I do all the time.

Once is an apple cider vinegar rinse. Where I just put a little bit of apple cider vinegar in the bottom of a cup around 2 tablespoons and then fill the cup with water. After that dump that over my head after I’m finished shampooing and conditioning. I just leave that
in my hair. It makes my hair so soft and shiny.

The second one is rosemary hair rinse. Rosemary is amazing for growing long healthy hair. Basically, I take some fresh rosemary and simmer it in a pot with some water. Once it
cools down just dump it over my head. I also make my hair soft and shiny.

It smells so amazing. Rinses can really make a big difference in your hair. A lot of people swear by the on poo method where you wash your hair with baking soda. Then condition it with apple cider vinegar. I do like doing that to my hair sometimes more as a clarifying
treatment but I really prefer just using a shampoo and conditioner.

But I thought I would just still mention it because maybe you guys want to check it out or try it out for yourself. Because it is a really cheap way to shampoo
and condition your hair. It does make your hair feel really nice.

Quit the heat
Now next one is probably the hardest tip for a lot of people but that is just cut down on the amount of heat you’re using in your hair. You don’t have to do this forever you can just try and limit your use. If you use a straightener every day maybe just try and straighten it once a week.

You really want to give your hair a break and allow them to become healthy again. I used to straighten my hair every single day for high school. It just damaged hair so much
. My hair looked horrible without styling. I would straighten my hair my hair become more damaged.

So I would have to straighten it, even more, to make it look healthy again it would become even more damage. It was like a vicious cycle for me. One day I just cut that cycle and I was like I’m not gonna use heat on my hair anymore. I’m gonna let my hair grow out and be natural.

That’s what I did, now I’m really really happy with my natural hair. I don’t need to style it anymore. Just let it air dry, don’t use any styling tools, don’t even use any styling products. Do a little challenge with yourself and try to reduce the amount of heat that you use in your hair for a while. I guarantee you will see a huge improvement in your hair.

Damage-proof + protective hairstyle
Damage-proof hairstyles are really important when it’s come to grow long healthy hair naturally. For me, my favorite protective hairstyle is just putting my hair in a side braid. My go-to everyday hairstyle is just a side braid with sort of hat. I find that it keeps my hair protected. Prevents it from getting matted and I love braids.

I think that they look really cute. I always wear protective hairstyles to bed. If I go to bed with my hair down. I will wake with the worst matted poofy hair dry hair. Protect hairstyles I used to wear before going to bed. Will either twist my hair into a bun and then secure it at the front of my head with a big clip.

I love doing this because next morning I just wake up with perfect waves in my hair. It’s an easy heatless way to style your hair. Else I will sleep with my hair in a braid and then secure it with a scrunchie. I like to use the scrunchie because sometimes an elastic will break your hair. A scrunchie is soft and gentle and won’t cause any breakage.

Eat for Long Healthy Hair Naturally
I am a firm believer in eating a healthy diet. Also, believe that you are what you eat. If you eat beautiful nourishing foods it’ll shine through and you will look beautiful on the outside. I definitely think that food plays a huge role in having healthy hair. Eat your make it 3 fatty acids.

Eat your mineral rich foods. I love starting me off with a green drink every day. It gives me those minerals and detoxifying. I feel that it’s a most beautifying elixir in the world. Eat as much as real food. Some of you are asking about the supplements I take for my hair.

If I could recommend one supplement for hair it would probably be MSM powder. MSM is an organic sulfur compound that benefits our skin, hair, nails, and joints. Due to its collagen building properties.

It’s also a wonderful anti-inflammatory and great for detoxifying the body. There are huge quality differences in MSM supplements. So always look for non-petroleum derived MSM. You can use it both internally and externally.

Get longer hair faster
One final tip
Go to your local beauty supply store and get some little trimming shears. Little scissors to cut your hair. Go through your hair whenever you’re bored and find that little split ends. Give them a little snip off and it’s gonna make it so you don’t have to go to the hairdresser as often. Those are my tips for achieving long hair naturally. That’s all I wanna tell you about long healthy hair naturally. bye


Super Fast Hair Growth Routine For Girls / Hair Treatment

Hair growth routine, after so many requests to talk about what I’ve been doing with my hair that has allowed it to grow longer. I wanted to give you guys the three main points of hair growth routine what I’ve been doing that made such a difference.

So I am excited about this post and hope you guys are too. Let’s get started, Alright so the first thing I did was I have been using minimum heat these past few months. The previous year I use less heat on my hair.

Super Fast Hair Growth Routine For Girls / Hair Treatment
So I have been doing that which I’m really proud of. Basically the whole month of February I did not straighten my hair at all. For those who are new and might not know I am natural. But I do choose to shake my hair every once in a while. I like to have the best
of both worlds but I really like to focus on health as my main priority.

On flat ironing, no blow drying the only heat that I did use on my hair was my diffuser. If I did a wash and go then indirect heat during my deep conditioning routine. Now the beauty of that besides that I freed my curls for a whole month. I was using more moisturizing products in my hair more often.

Way To Get Rid of Dandruff / Dandruff free smooth silky hair
Then if I would my hair was straightened and that makes sense. So because curly hair requires more moisture I was consistently keeping my hair moisturized for a long period of time. Also when my hair is curly I tend to use so much more water on my hair. Water is the number 1 moisturizer. That also was able to help moisturization consistently for the whole month.

Which of course contributes to hair growth routine. What I mean by I use more water is when my hair is curly I use water to help style my hair. I’ll spritz in water and then I’ll put the product into kind of help mold my hair into the way I want the style to look. Then I also use more water because I clash more often with my curly hair.

But with my straight hair I kind of put products in when I first flat iron and then I don’t really sprint any water in it or anything like that. I promise you keeping as much heat off of your hair as possible make such a difference.

Number two is deep conditioning. Now I know I always stress the importance of consistently using a deep conditioner. And how much it has helped me in my healthy hair journey. But I genuinely feel like consistently at deep conditioning once a week has made such a difference. The deep conditioning in combination with all of the moisturization that was happening last month.

How to grow hair faster
I feel like those combined really helped my hair to grow so much faster than it normally does. My deep conditioning, I like to use indirect heat when I seek condition. Because I have low porosity hair and indirect heat helps my cuticles to open up. So that all of the goodness in the deep conditioner can absorb into my hair.

I did it once a week and then also the deep conditioner that I use. Which I talk about all the time you guys know my obsession it has hydrolyzed protein in it. Which is also great for low porosity hair.  If you don,t know what your hair is porosity is it,s super helpful when you understand how your hair can retain moisture.

But a deep conditioner that I use is so amazing. It really just helps to strengthen my hair. Again the combination of the deep conditioning and the moisturization really are like the best combo for me. The third thing is the nutrient-dense foods. I recently got asked by some of you whether or not I take any hair supplements or vitamins to help promote hair growth.

I don,t do that the only thing I take is irons but that,s because I’m slightly anemic. But what I do which is kind of similar to taking a supplement is I eat a lot of nutrient-dense foods daily. Now I know that there,s a contributing factor to my hair growth because I remember about two years ago.

Towards the end of the year, I was obsessed with juicing. I bought a juicer and I was juicing almost every day. For like a month straight and I remember after that my hair had grown so quickly in such a short amount of time. I was like it has to be all of these nutrients that I’m putting into my body.

So a healthy lifestyle definitely it will help to contribute to your hair growth. Along with of course a solid hair routine and other things like that. But on a day I eat a lot of veggies. I try to have veggies with every single meal that I eat. I also eat a lot of fruit I love smoothies in the morning. Where I can combine a bunch of stuff together like I do banana almond milk.

I, ll put spirulina in there. I have spirulina every single day. If you guys look up and google the benefits of spirulina it is one of the best superfoods you can put into your body. It is so healthy for you. Also when I’m choosing which veggies I want to include in my diet.

I hate the word diet. It’s more the lifestyle for me when I’m choosing my veggies. I choose the dark green one like broccoli. I love brussels sprouts oh my gosh my favorites. Your favorite fruits and veggies and incorporate them into your lifestyle daily.

I’m sure that hair growth routine will also help to make a difference like it did for me. Alright, you guys, so those are the three main things that I have contributed to my hair growth over these past few months.


Way To Get Rid of Dandruff / Dandruff free smooth silky hair

Way to get rid of dandruff. If you are looking an easy and super quick way to get rid of dandruff then you are at right place. Hey, guys in today’s post I’m going to show you how to get rid of dandruff almost instantaneously. You need is original Listerine. Now I know it sounds super crazy to use Listerine in your hair but believe it or not in 1930s Listerine was actually heavily marketed as a cure for dandruff, it is really working now all you need to do is mix half Listerine with half water.

Best Way To Get Rid of Dandruff / Dandruff free smooth silky hair
If you have sensitive skin you only want to do 1/4 Listerine and then rest water. So you’re just going to give a nice shake and you’re going to apply it to your scalp only. After you have shampooed and conditioned your hair you want to make sure you keep this only on the scalp. You don’t want to put it anywhere else on your hair.

I like to pre-make a bottle and just keep it in my shower because it’s much easier like that after I’ve shampooed and conditioned my hair just to apply it whenever I need it. You don’t need to do this every single week or every single day. You only want to do this once every two weeks and if you have sensitive skin once a month.

I Tried Using Conditioner Before Shampoo For A Week & Here’s What Happened
The reason why this works so well is that of Listerine menthol thymol eucalyptol and methyl salicy. Those ingredients are antiseptics, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal that’s exactly what dandruff and itch are its fungi. You want to kill that fungus.

So you’re going to apply it to your scalp only. Leave it on for a few minutes and rinse it out with just water. I absolutely love the results of this. I definitely keep a pre-made bottle in my shower. If you have dandruff or itchy scalp try this out. That’s all I have to tell you. Hope it’s work for you as well as it works for me. Bye ……….

Read Also :

Natural Hair Treatments For Hair Growth To Make Them Longer
How Can You Make Your Hair Grow Faster / Hair Care Routine
Hide Hairline Recession To Make Your Hairstyles Awesome
Hair Accessories To Demonstrate Hairstyle Much More Beautiful


Natural Hair Treatments For Hair Growth To Make Them Longer

Natural hair treatments for hair growth especially for those girls who think that their hair is not growing fast. Today I will talk about natural hair treatments for hair growth that I’ve so many girls complain about. I have heard girls say things like my hair just doesn’t seem to grow much. How does your hair grow so fast?

People have been asking me that all my life and I always give them the same answer and I’m gonna tell you the same thing today. I learned it from my mom. She actually has this amazing formula. I just wanna tell it to you guys as well. Let me tell you very quickly what this whole magic formula is.

Natural Hair Treatments For Hair Growth
But before that here’s a quick tip okey like this is totally up to you but I really suggest before you start using this thing on your hair just take a couple of pictures of your hair. So this will be likely or before picture. Later compare with your picture.

Believe me guys it is so satisfying to see how much your hair is actually grown. When you compare those pictures otherwise with things like hair it’s very difficult to know about hair growth. I really suggest that you do that. Guys, you will be very happy then you will want to come back here for more post which definitely works for me as well.

Let me Tell you this amazing formula. Three things you need are castor oil, coconut, and vitamin E. You will easily find all of them from the medical store or event you can buy it online. Take aloe vera leaves along with a little bowl made of glass.

The first thing you have to do is cutting aloe vera leaf as you want to cut. Just make sure remove all the thorns and slice it from the middle very nicely. With the help of fork mash aloe vera leaf gel. By doing that you can easily scrape out aloe vera gel. Massage your scalp with the gel you have.

How Can You Make Your Hair Grow Faster / Hair Care Routine
You can massage it right to left or lift to the right as you want. Use fingers to make sure that your whole scalp is covered with gel. Take a glass bowl and mixed one vitamin E capsule with one tablespoon of castor oil and two tablespoons of coconut oil.

Now placed this oil into another hot water bowl. It is extremely dangerous to put this oil directly on fire or microwave. Be careful and use hot water to provide little heat to this oil. After five mints your oil should be ready to be applied to your hair. Simply take this oil on your fingertips and massage this into your scalp like you would do any regular head massage.

Laydown on any comfortable surface and take a rest your head for five minutes. You can also use a pillow and flip your hair back. To improves your blood circulation gently massaging scalp. It really helps to grow your hair longer with quite faster. Do it for 2 or 3 minutes.

How to Repair Damaged Hair
Make a tight braid and left it for a whole night. wash your hair in the morning. A very good idea is to store this mixture in a bottle ao well that’s all, for now, that’s all I had to tell you guys. With natural hair treatments for hair growth, your hair growth rate should definitely increase by 30 to 40 percent.

You will start seeing the difference very very soon for sure. If your hair grows to like many times faster you will definitely be able to see the difference. If you have any question don’t forget to write them in the comment section below.

Most importantly once you’ve tried natural hair treatments for hair growth and it has made your hair grow longer very fast please come back and give me your feedback. you know guys when you do that it actually helps my other followers as well.



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